Make Your Medical Wishes Known for National Healthcare Decisions Day

National Healthcare Decisions Day is on April 16th, and it’s an important reminder for every San Diegan to begin having difficult conversations with loved ones about their most private wishes for medical and end-of-life care. Far too many people assume that their families would make the choices they would want in an...
Make Your Medical Wishes Known for National Healthcare Decisions Day Continue reading…

Experienced San Diego Trust Attorney urges you to “Plan Now To Avoid Becoming A Burden Later”

As a San Diego trust and estate lawyer I help all sorts of people deal with the subject no one wants to talk about—what happens after you grow old and when you die. After your death, when your loved ones are grieving, it can be hard to devote proper time and energy to the...
Experienced San Diego Trust Attorney urges you to “Plan Now To Avoid Becoming A Burden Later” Continue reading…